Adventures in Fly Fishing

Saturday, October 07, 2006

ALL ABOUT FLIES: Everything the Fly Fisher Needs to Know

by Chuck & Sharon Tryon

Beadhead Nymph
Polar Shrimp for Steelhead (p.169)
Weedless Hairwings for Bass (p. 198)

Double Haul Forum '98

Opening Day 365 Days A Year by Ian James
"When you look through the Ontario Sportfishing Regulations, do yourself a favour. Don't look through wishing a season was open or feeling depressed because another season closed too early. It's better to ask yourself which species I can legally fish and how can I catch them?"

A Basic Fly Box by Ted Knott
Woolly Bugger
  • Sizes #10 to #6, 4X long
  • black and/or olive
Stonefly Nymph
  • Sizes #10 to #8, 3X long
  • brown, yellow or all black
Hare's Ear Nymph
  • Sizes #16 to #10
Light Cahill Dry
  • Sizes #16 to #10
Elk Hair Caddis Dry
  • Sizes #18 to #12
  • tan and olive
Caddis Emerger
  • Sizes #18 to #12
  • tan and olive bodies
Muddler Minnow
  • Sizes #10 to #6, 4X long

Double Haul Forum 2003

I'm a 'Nyphomaniac' by Bill Spicer

  • Get the fly to the bottom

  • Use an indicator

  • Keep the line off of the water

  • Fish all seams

  • Fish all rocks or any break in current

  • Keep casts short

New Fly Fisher: Stillwater Techniques

In this episode, they are fishing for brook trout in Fortress Lake, BC. They are demonstrating fly patterns for stillwaters with Phillip Rowley. They were using an indicator and a near static presentation. It looked almost like fishing with a bobber.

They were using small leech and scud patterns.

In 15' water use a 15' leader.

Fish are selective on their depth but opportunistic on what they will feed upon, so they'll eat what's best at their depth.

Hang a leech from a strike indicator and strip 6-12" at a time.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Quote of the Day

"If you can't cast, you can't fish well. It's that simple."
- King Montgomery, Guide Talk, Fly Fish America, Sept. 2006