This is the third episode of the season of this great series. Colin was fishing on tiny streams on the
Willow Creek Ranch near Hole-in the Wall, Wyoming. The Buffalo Creek hard would go up to your ankles, but still there were some nice brown trout in it.
There is not much invertebrate life in these streams, so trout must be opportunistic. Terrestrials, especially grasshoppers can provide a substantial meal. They just fall into the stream and the trout eat them. The wind also knocks them into the water so use big patterns.
Stealth is important. It is important to hide your movements and form. Crouch down and move slowly. Blend in with local topography by wearing camoflague shirts and hat. Hide in the shadows, like a trout
Hoppers are natural part of the trout diet, so carry flies in a variety of colours and patterns to match them.
Cast the fly and wait 5-10 seconds before making a slight, very slight twitch. Terrestials don't make big movements on the water.
Colin's rod of choice would vary depending on where he is. In Maine, with lots of trees hanging over the water, he’d use a short rod. In the open praries, like Wyoming, he would use a longer rod, with more casting choices. That said, he'd prefer a 7 1/2' – 8', 4 wt rod with a double taper configuration.
REALLY want to fish hopper patterns!